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Home/ Resources/ White Papers/ Detection and Sizing Techniques of ID Connected Cracking
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by Russ Minkwitz This paper provides a brief summary of advanced detection and sizing techniques for the evaluation of flaws connected to the inner surface of test material. In general, these techniques have found application for the detection, characterization and sizing of intergranular or transgranular stress corrosion cracks and fatigue-type cracks whether inherent, processing or service induced. Overview Once a suspected Inner-Diameter (ID) connected crack has been detected by general code or regulatory mandates, it then must be qualified. This initial process usually involves the use of the same 1.5, 2.25, or 5MHz shear wave angle beam transducer that was used in the detection phases. Further evaluation of signal amplitude, rise and fall time, echo dynamic and pulse duration, hopefully will help determine if the suspect signal is from ID geometry, counter bore, root, or if it is an actual flaw. Another method that can be used for the qualification process involves the use of a single element creeping wave transducer. This technique continues to grow in popularity because of simplicity and because it can provide both detection and preliminary sizing information about the suspected flaw. More About the Single Element Creeping Wave Transducer The single element transducers used in the ID creeping wave technique are designed to create a 70 deg refracted longitudinal wave in the material of interest. As a result of the incident angle used in creating this 70 deg longitudinal wave, other wave modes are created. These different modes all interact to create a unique echo pattern which will vary depending upon how far into the material the defect has propagated. The behavior of each of these components can be broken down into the following three categories: Direct Longitudinal Wave: This is the 70 deg refracted longitudinal wave, which after a quick and easy calibration procedure, should only appear when a crack is very deep. Shear Wave (30-70-70): Along with the 70 deg longitudinal wave, a 30 deg shear wave is generated. The 30 deg shear wave will hit the back surface of the test piece and some of the wave energy will be reflected as a 70 deg longitudinal signal. The 'mode-converted' 70 deg wave will strike the reflector face and then propagate back to the transducer. This round trip signal is also known as a '30-70-70' signal to denote the angle of each portion of the triangular soundpath. This signal is present for mid-wall and deep cracks. ID Creeping Wave: This wave mode is essentially a subsurface longitudinal wave which propagates along the inner surface of the test piece. The ID Creeping wave signal can be considered a 'marker' as its presence provides strong evidence that an ID connected flaw may exist. Calibration Using the Creeping Wave Transducer The relative ease of implementing the creeping wave technique can be attributed to the fact that calibration and signal evaluation are heavily based upon the simple concept of pattern recognition. In general, signals created by the three wave modes will either be present or absent from the A-Scan display depending upon the nature and geometry of the reflector. Calibration involves positioning echoes from two of the three waves; the ID Creeping wave and the 30-70-70 signal. It is recommended that calibration be carried out on a calibration block that is the same thickness as the material to be examined. In order to approximate the cracks that will be inspected, a series of notches should be cut into the block. Typically, notch depth will range from 20% to 80% through wall. The side of the block can be used for the calibration as it will produce indications from all three wave modes. The difference in the arrival times of each of the signals will be the same in the reference block and test material when they are of equal thickness. To calibrate, the 30-70-70 signal from the side of the block will be positioned at the fourth screen division of the flaw detector screen while the ID Creeping wave signal is positioned at the fifth screen division. Once this relationship has been established, the detection and signal discrimination process, using the creeping wave transducer, may begin. Because of the relatively high level of energy contained in the creeping wave package, and the fact that it travels relatively close to the inner surface, it is extremely sensitive to ID connected cracks. However, because it is not a true surface wave and does not follow surface geometry, it will be less sensitive to reflectors such as weld roots which provide strong indications when shear wave transducers are used. For this reason, the inspector can re-evaluate what had originally been characterized as a flaw, as well as scan the test material for additional suspected ID-connected indications. The creeping wave transducer will also allow the user to obtain preliminary sizing information because each of the wave modes will appear only under certain conditions. The relative depth of a reflector will dictate which signals are received from the transducer. The A-scan in Figure 1 shows an ID creeping wave signal only. This would indicate the presence of a shallow defect. The A-scan in Figure 2 shows both an ID creeping wave signal and a 30-70-70 round trip signal. This indicates the presence of a mid-wall defect. The A-scan in Figure 3 shows all three signals. The ID creeping wave, the 30-70-70 round trip signal, and the direct longitudinal wave signal are all present. This indicates the presence of a deep crack. As with any ultrasonic technique there are limitations. The signals from the three wave modes can have different amplitude relationships depending upon transducer frequency, damping characteristics, element size, and the thickness of the material to be examined. Furthermore, the type of metal examined or actual OD surface geometries may change the incident angle thus changing the echo amplitude relationship. It is for these reasons that use of an appropriate calibration block is recommended for this technique. This potential variability is also the reason that this technique is referred to as a qualitative approach. The echo relationships do give a very good indication as to the approximate depth of a flaw, but further sizing techniques must be used to verify the depth of the reflector. Sizing Techniques Use of the Sizing Flow Chart The results that are obtained using the ID Creeping wave technique can be summarized in a sizing flow chart. This flow chart can be used to direct the inspector to the correct technique to use during the sizing phase of inspection. Tip Diffraction Technique This method is used for sizing shallow cracks ranging from approximately 5-35% through wall. In this method the arrival time of the signal from the tip of the crack is used to determine crack depth. To simplify this process the instrument is calibrated so that each screen division corresponds to a particular flaw depth. Typically each of the first five screen divisions are chosen to represent 20% of the material thickness. So, a 20% through wall crack will produce a signal at the 4th screen division, a 40% through wall crack will produce a signal at the 3rd screen division etc. Also noted during this technique is the separation of the tip signal from the corner reflection. The information obtained from this separation allows the operator to make a final and accurate determination of crack depth. An example of an A-Scan from a 20% through wall defect is shown in Figure 4. In order to provide good resolution of the signal from the crack tip, a highly-damped 5MHz, 45 or 60 deg shear wave transducer is typically used. Since the signal from the crack tip can be relatively weak, the flaw detector should have an RF display. Such a display makes it easier to see the crack tip signals when the signal-to-noise ratio is poor, as shown in Figure 5. Bi-Modal Technique This method is used for sizing cracks ranging in depth from 30-70% through wall. A 3MHz dual element-tandem transducer is typically used. This probe transmits a 50 deg refracted longitudinal wave and the corresponding shear wave from the front crystal and receives the wave modes from the rear crystal. The calibration and use of this transducer is essentially a combination of the tip diffraction and creeping wave techniques. As with the tip diffraction technique, the flaw detector is calibrated so that the signal from the tip of the crack arrives at a particular screen division. As also done with this diffraction technique, the separation of the different modes are recorded and used during the evaluation/sizing process. High-Angle Longitudinal Wave Technique The final quantitative sizing technique is used for sizing cracks ranging in depth from approximately 60-95% through wall. This method again uses signal arrival time from the crack tip as an indication of crack depth. The signals from cracks located close to the surface are calibrated to the first few graticules while the deeper indications are calibrated to the higher numbered graticules. It should be noted that these indications show the amount of good material that is remaining in test samples, not the actual depth of the crack. We recommend dual element high angle longitudinal wave transducers to incorporate this technique. OD creeping wave transducers are useful for detecting cracks that propagate almost completely through wall. Conclusion The most important aspect of these techniques is their simplicity. Once the behavior of the sound beam is understood the process of detection and sizing ID connected defects becomes one of calibration and pattern recognition. In addition, the sizing techniques are inherently more accurate because they are based on the arrival time of echoes, whereas traditional techniques that utilize signal amplitude are subject to a great deal of variability due to coupling conditions. The effects of these variables are reduced or eliminated with time-of-flight based techniques. |
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IDPhoto Processor means fast and accurate batch photo processing. ID Photo Processor provides automatic face find on the source image, and face crop. If you have numerous photos of different size and even different quality, and wish to get consistent ID photos quickly just use ID Photo Processor, and it will do this job easily. Hundreds of images processed in few minutes – this is realistic!IDPhoto Processor patch, IDPhoto Processor keygen, IDPhoto Processor crack, IDPhoto Processor Key, IDPhoto Processor Serial, IDPhoto Processor Activation Code, IDPhoto Processor License, IDPhoto Processor Keygen, IDPhoto Processor Loader, IDPhoto Processor KICKASS, IDPhoto Processor WAREZ,
Run IDPhoto Processor and it will do the following:
– Open the source images from a selected folder,
– Find the human face on each image,
– Crop the face area according to the settings made
– Save the resulting consistent ID photos to the target folder.
IDPhoto Processor features:
– Automatic face detection, crop, and enhancement.
– Image export to the applications supporting TWAIN. Time lapse capture option.
– Save ID photo to file: the cropped photo is save to file on the computer disk. Time lapse capture option.
– Ability to work as TWAIN driver
– Ability to work as stand alone application.
– Save all settings to User profiles.
Automatic face detection, crop and enhancement.
After the image is captured the face area is cropped. Upon pressing the Capture to TWAIN button in the image preview window the Image Processing window will open. The Image Processing window provides an ability to crop the face area, and enhance the resulting image if necessary. The face area is automatically outlined by the yellow frame. The green frame outlines the image area to be cropped. The yellow frame / green frame ratio and position are adjusted by Zoom, Vertical Position, and Horizontal Position controls. The Size control is used to set the resulting image size.
If the face is located too close to the image frame and the area to be cropped is cut by the image border, the frame color will change from green to red. In this case the user has three options: ignore, modify the image frame, or press Back button and return back to the image preview window. The cropped image can be enhanced. It is possible to adjust image brightness, contrast, gamma, and sharpness using the corresponding controls in the right part of the Image Processing window. It is also possible to resize the resulting image. Press Set button in the upper right part of the Image Processing window and set the resizing options (pixel size of the resulting image).
Image export to the TWAIN applications.
ID Photo Processor can be used as ID photo module with all standard ID card software supporting TWAIN. After the captured photo is automatically cropped in the Image Processing window it is automatically transferred to ID card management software supporting TWAIN (e.g. Incardex from Akond, ID Works and IDCentre from Datacard Group (USA), Asure ID from HID Global (USA), ID Flow from Jolly Technologies (USA), EPI Suite from ImageWare Systems (USA)) and inserted into the photo field. The exported photo is printed on a ready ID card or badge together with other personal information.
Save ID photo to file.
To capture ID photos and save them to disk press Capture to file button. The user can set up the folder to save image files. The Save file tab (Options dialog box) is used to define the save to file settings. It is possible to select the folder to save images to upon pressing Capture to file button and create separate folders for the year / month / day. Check Ask before saving, and you will be prompted to assign a name to the image file before saving to the specified folder.
Ability to work as TWAIN driver
If you use TWAIN compatible ID card software (e.g. Incardex, Asure ID, ID Works, EPISuite, ID Flow and others) you you can use inPhoto ID SLR as TWAIN driver and capture ID photos directly to your ID card software.
Ability to work as Stand Alone application
ID Photo Processor can be used as stand alone application. If so the Capture to TWAIN option in the image preview section will be disabled.To capture images and save them to disk press Capture to file button. Working in stand alone mode you can use all inPhoto ID PS functions (live image preview, camera settings control, automatic face detection and crop, image capture and save, etc.) You can set up the folder on your PC to automatically save all captured ID photos.
User profiles
Once you select the best camera settings for your specific applications you can save these settings to a profile and use them easily later on without spending time on camera settings adjustment. Moreover, not only camera settings are saved to a profile. You can also save the image processing parameters, folder to save photos, image resolution and size settings. The system Admin can block the profile, and the users will not be able to change it, they will only be able to use it.
The Profile button is located in the software main window in its right part on the Control Panel. Click on the Profile button to get a list of all profiles available, and select the profile required. You will need just two mouse clicks to apply the necessary profile. The last profile used is remembered and loaded automatically when the software is started next time. If you are not planning to use profiles you can remove the Profile button from the Control Panel. The Profiles created are saved in the separate files and can be copied or backed up.